Nike SB’s Team Europe hook up with Team Brasil

Clean skating, natural film styles and personal interviews plaster this little Nike SB film as it brings together skaters for a little friendly skate-about.
From shots of sprawling oceans meeting the skies in sun kissed horizons to panoramic landscape of coral gardens to subaquatic oddities that lurk where the sunlight can’t reach, we’ve always thought we’ve known how life under the surface looked like — until now.
Clean skating, natural film styles and personal interviews plaster this little Nike SB film as it brings together skaters for a little friendly skate-about.
Graphic designer James Taylor Campbell reimagines football stars of World Cups passed as stars on retro and classic vinyl album covers.
The internet is a timeless place where cool and odd things keep cropping up. We look back at stuff we read and were entertained by this week.
Artists come together to present position paper to Media Development Authority of Singapore’s self-classification scheme.