The Making Of A Chef

How do you define a chef? Is it his work ethics, the cuisine from his kitchen, or simply a culinary philosophy he espouses?
How do you define a chef? Is it his work ethics, the cuisine from his kitchen, or simply a culinary philosophy he espouses?
Humanity is under crisis. From Myanmar to Syria, Europe and Africa, the number of people displaced worldwide has surpassed a record 60 million. Refugees escaping wars, conflict and persecution make up 20 million, half of them children. As asylum states become more strained and states with limited resources constrict their borders, the situation gets bleaker with each passing day.
Growing up, it was hard-wired into us that anything outside of a standard office job was unacceptable; we were taught that the most successful (and therefore, the happiest) people were those who had a career in medicine, law or mathematics. We were even taught the formula for this success: do well in school, graduate from […]
For most of us, the turntable is nothing more than a DJ’s tool. It’s this… thing that plays vinyls, and makes ‘scratching’ noises that sounds pretty cool when laid over the tracks we’ve come to know and love. But the humble turntable is more than that. It has a rich history that goes way back […]
In the first of a two-part series, Contented explores busking – street performance that breathes life into a city – and why it is gaining popularity with buskers and audiences alike in Singapore. Some 20 years ago, busking got a bad rep when laws were flouted by those who performed in non-designated areas. Fortunately, National […]