Looking at a map of deforestation in Malaysia and Indonesia is depressing

According to data from NASA, companies and governments are obviously not giving a damn as forest disturbances see a surge in both countries in the first quarter of this year.
From shots of sprawling oceans meeting the skies in sun kissed horizons to panoramic landscape of coral gardens to subaquatic oddities that lurk where the sunlight can’t reach, we’ve always thought we’ve known how life under the surface looked like — until now.
According to data from NASA, companies and governments are obviously not giving a damn as forest disturbances see a surge in both countries in the first quarter of this year.
Asia’s multi-billion dollar industry is a game of snakes and ladders as businesses clamour for parents’ attention.
Does this scream of desperation or is it a cool and effective way to get people interested in Dvořák. We’ll leave it to you. Back to our Wagner and Asian fever.