OLDIE BUT A GOODIE: Life will never be the same without McDonald's brown vanilla cone.
OLDIE BUT A GOODIE: Life will never be the same without McDonald’s brown vanilla cone.Emojipedia

Unicode has made known to the world that they are introducing 250 emojis to make spelling easier come July. Among the new in Unicode 7.0 are a wastebasket, man levitating in business suit, an Ohm symbol and a chipmunk.

And did we forget to mention a “fuck you” emoji as well? Yes. There will now be an middle finger emoji available for virtual flicks. Awesome.

Among the useless and redundant are a right hand telephone receiver and a left hand telephone receiver. A one button mouse, a two button mouse, and yes, a three button mouse. (Talk about something for everyone.)

Nonetheless, we reckon the middle finger will, like, literally, stick a finger to the pile of poo. Just to be sure of our existentialist connection to emojis, we shamelessly probed into the phones of 10 random individuals to see how emojis help grown adults navigate a touchscreen keypad, and how they might work more powerfully than words.

1. Alia/32/Dental Therapist Alia-32-Dental Therapist

Someone’s been eating lollipops and chocolates at church, we see. And for a dental therapist, you’re not setting a good example for children ;P <- insert winking emoji here.

2. Susie/68/Astronaut Susie-68-Astronaut

We’re pretty sure Susie isn’t an astronaut. And if she is, she might have forgotten her oxygen tank.

3. Jelta/29/Autism Therapist Jelta-29-AutismTherapist

Plenty of love to give around. Why are you only using the first page of emojis, Jelta?

4. Matteo/23/Student in Medicine & Surgery/Magician Matteo-23-MedSurguryStudent-Magcian

Phallic looking fruits, two guys holding hands and a pair of nut sacks exploding. Strong love. Mmm.

5. Norman/Forever 25/DJ Norman-F25-DJ

What? We expected more, Norman. How could you?

6. Irma/38/Writer Irma-38-Writer

Geeze, such bipolar emotions. Game Of Thrones?

7.Alex/28/Non-Profit Slave Alex-28-NonprofitSlave

Why are you eating from expensive bentos and spending money, Alex?

8. Christine/58/Literally my mum Mom-58

She likes flowers and literally reminds me to lock the door and bring my brolly in case it rains. Hence.

9. Dina/24/Undergrad Dina-24-StudentSoci

Aren’t undergrads miserable and depressed? Ohmahgawd, hearts overload! Someone’s enjoying school.

10. Josephine/27/Policewoman

You should meet Alex, the non-profit slave. He loves monkeys too. #Justsaying.

Check out Unicode’s 7.0 here.

Joyce Ng
Part-time amateur photographer, avid globetrotter, foodie and cat lover. Also an NTU major in Sociology. She hopes to own a hedgehog one day. A good day would consist of Grey's Anatomy, tea or cider. Find her on Instagram at @popbricks.